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Winter Lawn Care

Winter Lawn Care

By Kate Hopkins

14 November 2021 (Last updated: 22 Jun 2023 12:21)

With the colder and harsher months around the corner, now is the time to start thinking about your Winter lawn care. We have done well to last till November, but soon the weather is destined to change.

To prepare for this time of year, the UKLCA has come up with key Winter lawn care tips to see you through the next few months.

Why Is Winter Lawn Care Important?

As very well publicised by us and our members, just because the colder weather is here and the garden is not used as frequently, does not mean it is a time to switch off from your lawn care.

If anything it is more important due to the changes that your lawn is going to feel over the next few months. Understanding how to best protect your lawn will only serve you well when the warmer weather arrives, you are going for that lushest green look once again.

Our Winter Lawn Care Tips

Keeping your lawn in its best condition can be tough during the winter, however, with some basic techniques you can most definitely aid the process. As always, outside of the below tips, contacting a member of the UKLCA is always a great way to ensure your lawn is in its best condition.

Our members’ knowledge of the lawn sector is second to none, meaning they can give professional advice to help you. However, in this instance, our winter lawn care tips include:

Reduce Mowing

Yes, that is right, review and reduce your lawn mowing frequency! Your lawn will only grow when the temperature does exceed 5 degrees, and chances are during the winter months this will be very rare.

So the rule would be, cut when it needs a cut, but be aware, excessive mowing during the winter could result in damage.

Rake Up The Leaves

Raking up the leaves in your garden may be seen as one of the most basic things you can do, but it does have a lot of effects.

If on the off chance the winter does provide us with some sun, we want our lawns to be exposed. Leaves block this exposure, but can also house some nasty pests which could damage the health of your lawn.

Managing weeds

Keeping on top of your weeds is a great way to preserve the health of your lawn during the colder months. Even with a slow in growth due to the colder weather, ensuring your lawn is weed-free is a must, a DIY ready to use weed control would be perfect.

Look After your Equipment

Not a direct relation to your lawn, but keeping your lawn equipment primed during the winter is a great way to prepare for when you go back into full swing. Moisture and damp can sometimes find their way into your garage or shed, which could hamper their effectiveness later on in the year.

Want To Find Out More? Contact A UKLCA Member

The members of the UKLCA are experienced and dedicated professionals who can provide their expertise on a variety of lawn care treatment methods to ensure your lawn is at its best and healthiest all year round.

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