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Autumn Lawn Tips

Autumn Lawn Tips

31 October 2021 (Last updated: 22 Jun 2023 12:21)

With Autumn very much in full swing, it is a great time to really consider how you can keep your lawn healthy during this time of year. As this tends to be slightly cooler and damper, as well as a variety of other changes occurring around us, understanding some basic tips could really make all the difference.

In our latest article, the lawn care specialists at the UKLCA have put together our top 5 autumn lawn care tips.

Why Is Autumn Lawn Care Important?

Why is there an emphasis on autumn lawn care? A great question! As we move away from the warmer summer months, our lawns will go through a large period of change. Therefore, before the winter sets in, autumn is a key season for ensuring your lawn has the best chance during the future colder months.

With some key techniques and methods it is completely possible to protect your lawn from the elements.

Our 5 Recommended Autumn Lawn Care Tips

The below tips are the most common we would recommend. However, if you are looking for more of an in depth expertise then always do contact a UKLCA member.

Mowing Your Lawn

Shorter days and dropping temperatures means that the growth of your lawn will somewhat slow due to its lack of exposure to sum and better weather. However, this does not mean that you do not need to mow your lawn, but it does mean it needs to be mowed less frequently. Before mowing ensure that your mower blades are sharp and all is in working order. Plus, adjust the height on your mower setting so that it cuts the grass higher.

Deal With Your Moss

If moss is a problem on your lawn, then you need to ensure that you take the appropriate action. A poor draining lawn, and a variety of other elements may cause lawn moss, however using a moss killer may be the way forward.

The reason there is an emphasis on lawn moss is due to the issues it can cause your longer term lawn health. Do not ignore it, and ensure you keep on-top of it.


An autumn feed is a great way in which to supply your lawn with the nutrients it needs to strengthen itself for the winter season. Before feeding your lawn or using specific treatments, it is always beneficial to speak with a lawn care specialist, as they will be able to offer more advice on what is going to be the best solution.

Clear The Lawn Of Debris & Leaves

Keeping your lawn debris free and leave free is not just a great way to improve its look, but also its health. Increased debris and leaves especially can promote pests and bugs to be more attracted to your garden area. Plus, leaves that rot can also affect the health of the grass on your lawn.

Want To Find Out More? Contact A UKLCA Member

The members of the UKLCA are experienced and dedicated professionals who can provide their expertise on a variety of lawn care treatment methods to ensure your lawn is at its best and healthiest all year round.

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